
And The World Cup Winner Is....Norway

The winner  HaandBryggeriet (Norway)  On Left,  Rogue IPA (USA), Stoke Gold (NZ), Wiked Elf Pils (Port Macquarie (AUS), Meant Ale (UK)

The REAL Miss Norway.

Bertie Wrout Vs Murphy's Irish Stout runway challenge. Bertie Wrout, he's so hot right now.


Dusty Roads And Off Road Vehicles - Needs A Big Cold Didge.

While one half of the WCU are chasing waves in Bass Straight today. Georgie  Whitehead was earning a thirst rally car racing up north. Way to earn a beer Georgie. His car blew up 3 kms from the finish line !

When Choosing To Fly To The Apple Isle. We Choose Boags Wizard Smith Airways.


Reviews flooding in for the new Bertie Wrout Stout

"I had three pots of the BWS, and after that I dinna see nuffin." - Purana Taskforce witness No. C354 (name suppressed).

"The Australian people should be very worried. This is just a Big New Stout." - Tony Abbott, Federal Member for Warringah and long-time devotee of the fizz.

"I was having a really quiet night at the footy. Next thing I knew, I'd had a couple of Berties, and I was up, outa me seat and abusing the guy next to me. Looked at the photos later and I had a vein popping outa me head. Now that's a sign of a good stout." - E. McGuire, c/o Lexus Centre.

"What the hell did you put in that stuff? Licorice? Seaweed?!! Christ! I woke up in a hotel room in me reg grundies with a remote control in me hand - do you know how much trouble I'm in?" - Ricky, Kew Vic.

"Perfect with moose. Not the chocolate one, the one with the antlers." Sarah P., Wasilla, Alaska

Bertie Wrout Stout - 30 minutes and counting....Its Friday !

WCU Merch

Best Blog I've ever read about beer, I give it 5 out of 5 pots. When is the WCU merch available?


The Bertie Wrout Stout - This Beer Is Bulletproof.

William St (Jock's)
The Bertie Wrout Stout - Seaweed Irish Stout
Morgans Irish Stout
500 gms corn syrup
1 kg dark liquid malt
6 coffee beans
9 sheets nori roll
15 ml liquorice head improver

A Chronology Of W.C.U Beers. So Far.

The MJ - Black Rock Bock (2009)
Passage Pale Ale - Morgan Gold Sars Pilsner (2009)
The Lazarus - Spicy Ghost Draught (2009) 8%
Road Kill - Coopers Traditional Draught (2009) 5.5%
The Lazarus11- Morgans Gold Sars Pilsner (2009) 4.5%
Senor Hernandez - Cervesa (2009) 3.1%
Kitty Bitter - Morgans Wheat (2009) 3.4%
Shearwater Porter  - Cascade Choc Mahogany Porter (2010)
Witch's Tit - Black Rock Colonial Lager (2010)
Liverpool Kiss - Muntens Irish Style Cream Ale (2010) 3.8%
Pendelbury Porter - Cascade Choc Mahogany Porter (2010) 4.9%
Kauaian Iron - Andy Irons Tribute Cervesa  (2010) 5.5%
Gypsy Juice - Bkack Rock Whispering Wheat (2010) 
Flaming Sanchez - Colonial Lager (2010)
Dirty Wizard - Boags Wizard Smith Ale (2010) 5%
The Bert Wrout Stout - Seaweed Irish Stout (2010)


Taverner's Honey Mead Ale - Note The Floaties !

The Dirty Wizard- Boags Wizard Smith Ale

Union St
5% Alc
Black Rock Colonial Ale kit
150 gms crush malt
150 gms dry malt
1.5 lt light malt liquid
25 gms golding hops

The Kauaiian Iron - Andy Irons Tribute Cervesa

Union St
5.5% Alc
Black Rock Cervesa Kit
600 gms glucose
200 gms corn syrup
2 lemon rind
400 gms light malt
dry yeast extract
liquid yeast

The Pendelbury Porter - Yes. It's That Good.

William St (George's)
4.9% Alc
Mahogany Chocolate Porter Kit

500 gms corn syrup
1.5 kg dark liquid malt
15 gms hersbrucker hops

Grand Champions - Pendlebury Porter, Gypsy Juice 2nd Place Wheat - Tyrendarra 2010 Oh Yeh !

R&D Trip Tassie March 2010

The Gypsy Juice Creator - Damo...Testing Medicinal Properties On Wild Goats

A new study has shown, what Damo has known all along, that drinking a good wheat beer is actually medicinal and can improve athletic performance.  Sport doctors now say the WCU Gypsy Juice wheat beer boosts athletes' health. According to 'Be-MaGIC,' the largest study of marathons world-wide,  the WCU Gypsy Juice wheat beer has a positive effect on the immune system and against infection.

Many amateur athletes have long suspected what research scientists for the Department of Preventative and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen at Klinikum rechts der Isar have now made official: Documented proof, gathered during the world's largest study of marathons, "Be-MaGIC" (beer, marathons, genetics, inflammation and the cardiovascular system), that the consumption of  WCU Gypsy Juice  weissbier, or wheat beer, has a positive effect on athletes' health. Under the direction of Dr. Johannes Scherr, physicians examined 277 test subjects three weeks before and two weeks after the 2009 Munich Marathon.

The study focuses on the health risks for marathon runners and the potential positive effects of polyphenols. These aromatic compounds occur naturally in plants as pigment, flavor, or tannins, many of which have been credited with health-promoting and cancer-preventative properties. Unique to this study was the combination of different polyphenols that were tested on the large pool of participants. The research team met the scientific requirements of the study by conducting a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

The WCU Gypsy Juice wheat beer was selected as the test beverage, chosen for its rich and varied polyphenol content and its popularity with marathoners and tri-athletes. The "active" group drank up to 1.5 liters of the test beverage per day, while a second group consumed an equal amount of an otherwise indistinguishable placebo beverage that contained no polyphenols and was especially produced for the study.

One result from the study was the discovery that, after running a marathon race, athletes experience intensified inflammatory reactions. The immune system is thrown off balance and runners are much more likely to suffer from upper respiratory infections. This heightened susceptibility to illness following strenuous sport activity has been identified as an "open window." Furthermore it was shown that non-alcoholic wheat beer containing polyphenols has a positive, health promoting effect on the human body: inflammation parameters in the blood were significantly reduced, and there was a lower frequency of infection with milder symptoms.

Reduced Inflammatory Reaction: Dr. Scherr, who also serves as physician to the German National Ski Team, explains: The analysis of the leukocytes, or white blood cells, which constitute one of the most important parameters for inflammation, revealed values in the active group that were 20% lower than in the placebo group."

Support for the Immune System: Compounds in WCU Gypsy Juice had a compensatory or balancing effect on the immune system. Dr Scherr: "We were able to prove that it strengthens an immune system that has been weakened by physical stress. It also prevents the system from over-performing."

Prevents Colds: Runners who drank the WCU Gypsy Juice wheat beer were up to three times less susceptible to infection than those in the placebo group. Dr. Scherr: "Drinking the test beverage reduces your risk of developing a cold by one third."

Improvement with Upper Respiratory Infections: People in the active group who did succumb to a cold experienced a milder or briefer infection than those in the placebo group. Dr. Scherr: "Results showed a Number Needed to Treat (NNT) of eight. That means that for every eight people who had the test drink, one of them was prevented from succumbing to a cold."

In summary, Dr. Scherr explains: "The potential for foods containing polyphenols to have a positive effect on athletes' health has already been suggested in several articles. Nevertheless we were ourselves sometimes surprised at how clearly evident this was in the results. We now have scientific confirmation of those assumptions for this test beverage, with its particular combination of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals."

Dr. Scherr presented this study to the approximately 5,000 scientists, physicians, and trainers attending the world's largest congress for sports medicine in Denver (USA) hosted by the American College of Sports (ACSM) at the beginning of June 2011. The study will be published in the January printed edition of the professional journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE).

Damian Becker creator and co-founder of the WCU Gypsy Juice Weissbräu, is pleased about the study results: "In brief, the Be-MaGIC study confirms the benefits for sport athletes and proves new health-promoting effects. Thus, WCU Gypsy Juice is proven to be more than just an isotonic thirst-quencher."

Flaming Sanchez Friday

4.5% Alc
Union St
Colonial Lager Kit
500 gms glucose
10 gms fuggles hop

Kitty Bitter Friday - Basking In The Afterglow

Cox St
No Alc%
Morgans Wheat Kit
1kg kit converter sugar
coriander (leaf)
orange peel
10 gms tettnang hops

2010 Victorian Home Brew Titles - Koroit. Grand Champions - Kitty Bitter Wheat.

OK So we're catching up on old times here. Tyrendarra Feb 2009 - 2nd Place For our 'MJ' Porter.

The First Taste Of Victory Tyrendarra 2008